Thursday, June 10, 2004

Verse: Mark 8:1-38

Again, we see Jesus feeding the masses with only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish.

When the Phaisees ask Jesus for a 'sign in the sky', he replies with "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it." He knows that this will not help their faith, and refuses. They ask solely for personal curiosity.
After this, Jesus warns the disciples: "Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod." The disciples take this as a warning of the bread that they hold. But Jesus means that the yeast that may be planted by the taunts of the Pharisees, and it may rise within them, harming their faith. We too must beware of nay-sayers. If we have doubts about our faith, how can we help others? We must continue to enforce our faith, and grow so that we may help others. Do not be afraid to question your faith. Blind faith benefits no one.
Jesus heals a blind man, but does so in steps. Was it too difficult for him? No. He showed that sometimes, healing (or believing) should be a gradual process. It is important that we remember this, especially when witnessing. We may not ever see the person accept the Lord as their Savior, but every mustard seed we plant goes a long way.
Jesus predicts his death soon after he warns disciples not to tell anyone who he is. He knows that claiming to be the Messiah will certainly cause his death. Peter starts to rebuke him Jesus says "You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." This is a very important point. We, as humans, do not possess the ability to know what we truly need. We cannot see the greater good that will come from our trials. God can, and He knows what we need to learn to become spiritual leaders. Through the trials that He prescibes for us, He molds us into what we are meant to be.

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