Verse: Mark 4:1-41
Here we see Jesus tell the parable of the four soils.
Here is the list of the soils, and what I beleive to be the meaning behind each.
- Path - This is a warning about placing yourself in a vulnerable (or very public) position. If you are too exposed, the "birds" will come peck you to pieces. Be aware of where you are. If you are not accepted, follow the advice given in Matthew 10:14
- Rocky - Here, we are warned against attempting to seed where there is no fertile soil. Some environments will not produce results no matter how hard you try. It can be heartbreaking, but nonetheless, we must move on.
- Thorns - In this, we are warned against getting ourselves in too deep in a place that is dangerous. If we get in somewhere where we are not wanted, or where we don't belong, we can become tangled and choked by 'thorns' of sin.
- Good Soil - This is the place where your sowing will be most rewarded. This is where the seeds "...came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times." This is where we want to plant our seeds, for each seed will produce a plant, which in turn creates more seeds.
The moral of the farmer parable is this: Be aware of the surroundings in which you try to sow your seeds. If you choose the wrong location, you will not be rewarded with a good harvest.
Jesus' explanation of the four soils is fairly self-explanitary, so I will skip it.
The growing seed parable is confusing for some, and I will give it my best shot. When you plant a seed, you do only that, plant a seed. It is now up to God to show that person what they need to become true believing Christians. You can nurture them, and encourage them (watering the seed) but in the end, it is up to that person. When that person is 'ripe for harvest' the Lord takes them and puts them to work planting seeds of their own.
The mustard seed parable is short, but like the mustard seed itself, there is a large importance within. Anything we do, anything, to introduce Jesus into someone's life can spark the beginning of a beautiful and meaningful life. No matter how small that action is, you never know when someone is searching in their life, and if they see even a glimmer of hope in Jesus through you, they may become saved. You may never know how many people you help through your daily actions.
Finally, Jesus calms the storm. This can also represend your life. When things become stormy, full of whirlwinds of temptation, waves of Sin threatening to capsize you, call on Jesus. But more importantly, look within yourself for the strength. Jesus asks "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" This goes along with 1 Corinthians 10:13. The Lord will not tempt you past what you, as a human, can withstand.
Pray for the strenght to be strong in the face of temptation, and have the strenght to continue on when times get rough.
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