Monday, June 07, 2004

Verse: Mark 6:1-56

Jesus now returns to his hometown of Nazareth. They knew him as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph, a carpenter. He is no longer that man, but Jesus, Son of God. The townspeople cannot believe that this is possible, and are offended. Jesus then says "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." He was 'amazed at their lack of faith.' He chose not to do miracles, because the people did not believe that he was the Son of God, and therefore, the miracles would not help his cause.
This is a good example of when to follow Matthew 10:14.
In Verse 6:7, Jesus sends out the disciples in pairs. He could have reached more of the country if he had sent them out alone, but Jesus recognized the importance of encouragement. He made sure that if they fell on hard times, they would not be alone. This is important today as well. Even if we are steadfast in the Lord, we are not invincible. We need to have at least one other person to lean on, and get strength from in times of need. It seems easy to help ourselves, but most times, an outsider's view can do worlds of help. Do not be afraid to lean on a fellow Christian in a time of need. And as a Christian, do not be afraid to be that shoulder to cry on. Tying in to the Mustard Seed Parable, we never know how much one small, easy action can help someone out.
Next we hear of the beheading of John the Baptist. I believe this was done to try to scare Jesus out of the area.
Next we see Jesus feed the 5000. After teaching for a day, the disciples tell Jesus that the people are hungry. From five loaves of bread and two fish, there was enough to feed all 5000 men, plus their wives and children, and still have 12 basketfuls of leftovers.
If we believe in Jesus, and abide by his teachings, we too will be rewarded with all we can spiritually 'eat'. The Lord can do many things, and all he asks is that we love him, as well as one another.
Next we see Jesus walk on water. Even still, the disciples do not believe that He is the Son of God, and it takes one final act to prove that He is their Savior.
The last paragraph of this chapter shows Jesus healing all who touch him. Here, the people knew His power and trusted in Him to heal them. Like the woman, they are rewarded. Just like we are, when we choose to put our trust explicitly in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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