Thursday, June 03, 2004

Random Cool Verse: Proverbs 23:13

Verse: Mark3:1-35
Jesus asks "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?"
No one answers him. Yet, after healing the man's hand, the Pharisee's plot to kill him. This is just a glimpse at the life that Jesus lead. We must remember that most of the work done by his life was not completed until after he died. Notably, he died to save us. He suffered so that we may no longer suffer after this life. His mortal form was set up solely for failure, when seen through the eyes of man. Even at Jesus' death, the only person who understood it was Jesus himself. The disciples, who were to carry on the work of Jesus, did not fully understand why things happened. As men, we cannot see the reasoning behind what happens to us, but we must carry the beleif that there is something greater for us in store.
Personally, I am stagnant right now. I have no purpose in my life. It is strange for me, because before this, I was focused and had goals. Well, the closer I got to those goals, the more I saw they weren't for me. I don't understand what God was telling me by having me going the wrong direction, but I do know that there was a point, and the experience will help me out later in life.
In verse 13, Jesus names his disciples. Nothing fancy, just an attendence check.
In the next section, Jesus gives a very good speech about unity and strength within a group. Even though he is talking about demons, we can see the paralells to any group. "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." He is charging future Christians to not divide and fight amonst themselves, for what good would that bring to the Church? None. We must be strong. If we have differences, we must attend to them before they break us apart.
Later in this passage, we see Jesus name the one unforgivable sin: "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." There is one sin that will never be forgiven: Blaspheming against the Lord God. This includes attributing His works to others, or otherwise discounting His works in such a manner that you cannot beleive in Jesus, or God. Every other sin is forgiven, but if you commit that one sin, then you are not truly a Christian, and you will not see heaven.
Jesus confuses most people in the next verse, by saying "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother." Here He seemingly puts less stock in them. In truth, He is saying that He loves all of God's followers, without partiality. This is something we must learn to do. The Lord wants us to love everyone, and not judge them, for that is not our job. We are to love them as our own brothers and sisters. It is a difficult charge, to be sure, but by following Jesus, we can learn to not judge, and bathe everyone in Jesus' love. Without knowing His love, how can they know Him?
Don't be afraid to take that first step, and love someone. You never know how important that love can seem to someone.

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