Now that I am done Mark, I have to pick another book/topic to do. A couple days ago, I got a package in the mail from my best friend. Opening it up, I saw that it was a book that we had discussed a while ago, Boy Meets Girl, by Joshua Harris. Buy it, or read a review if you are interested. So far, it's an awesome book, and I recommend it.
The book is written in the first person, from Mr Harris' point of view. In the beginning of the book, he talks about how he stopped dating because he saw that his pointless short term girlfriends were distracting him from his walk with God. Then he met Shannon. The book is written as a guideline for Christian Dating. I may not agree with all of the points, but I believe that there is significance in what he is doing.
Okay, onto the book:
Dating vs Courtship - That's not the point.
People focus too much on what they are doing, than how they are doing it. This is also a problem with the Pharisees. It is much more important that you do whatever you do in a Godly manner. If you follow Jesus' teachings, and apply them to your relationship, you can truly have a Godly relationship.
You also need to focus on the other person. Is this good for them? If we only think of ourselves, we may put others at risk for hurt later on. I know I have been guilty of this more than once. Even if it sacrifices your momentary happiness, it is better in the long run, because you will still have a friend, and one without black marks from you on their heart.
Also, it's okay to ask your friends what they think. Sure, this seems corny, but how many times have you heard of people ignoring their friends' advice on a boy/girl, and it ends up that the friends were right?
Big point here, take notes: NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE
Sex is a sacred bond between one man and one woman. It truly is the connection of two souls. It just isn't right, or fair, to take that prematurely. Why take the special part out of marriage?
It's also a good idea to walk together in God. If you gain nothing else, you will be able to strengthen your personal relationship with God, by having it challenged, or debated, with someone else. We are each given different 'tools' to do our work in the Lord with, but it never hurts to see how others are doing their work. Who knows? You may learn something totally new about yourself, even if you aren't a young 'un anymore.
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